

What are Orthtoics/Insoles?

Orthotics, insoles, or inserts go into your shoes and can be needed for many reasons. They are beneficial for many conditions, from back pain to pain in your toes. They are used to take pressure off a certain area of the body you are having trouble with or to help you with your activities by giving you more support.

Orthotics can do this by moving your body weight in an alternative direction away from the painful area, or by supporting your foot reducing the need for certain muscle groups to work, which will then result in reduced pain and your increased ability to do the activities you enjoy

I like to describe them as temporary pressure-relieving devices for most people; however, depending on their problem, some people may need them for the rest of their lives.

Not all Orthotics are the same!

Not all orthotics are made equal, with varying materials and levels of quality.

Unfortunately, the incorrect orthotic can also waste a lot of time and money, and can also make your problem worse.

Therefore, it’s important to see your podiatrist to get the right orthotic for you, which can also save you some money in the long run.

Orthotics come in various degrees of firmness and with different features, such as a high arch, a deep heel cup, or a firmer material such as carbon fibre. Orthotics without the right prescription from your podiatrist can cause foot pain or do not help your foot pain at all.

Unfortunately, the orthotics/insoles you buy online will most likely not have the correct features to help you with foot pain.

Types of Orthotics

90% of orthotics can be modified by your podiatrist on the day of your appointment. We have a variety of different orthotics, which we can modify to suit you. This might mean the correct type of orthotic to fit into your trainer or work shoe with the correct features to help alleviate your pain.

If we can't get an orthotic to fit you, we request a custom orthotic. You may also want to choose a custom orthotic if you have had benefits with an ‘off-the-shelf’ or a pre-purchased orthotic that helped your problem but would like to make changes to it to improve it further.

Do I need Orthotics?

Orthotics are beneficial for conditions of the foot and ankle, including plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinopathy, mortons neuroma, and flat feet just to name a few.

During your foot and ankle pain assessment we will assess you for orthotics

What will my Podiatrist Do?

Your podiatrist will pay close attention closely to your explanation of the foot issue. They'll search for explanatory variables like additional medical conditions. Your feet will be carefully examined, and their assessment will include a biomechanics analysis to determine how well your legs and feet are working. During the examination, your gait will be observed, to determine how you walk.

Your podiatrist will carefully document the specifics of your foot, taking the necessary measurements, Using this information, the foot orthotic will be made for you, which should relieve any pain or discomfort.

Finally. How will orthotics help me!

Orthotics are shoe inserts designed to help improve foot and ankle alignment, distribute body weight evenly, cushion feet, provide shock absorption, and offer support to the arches. These devices can provide various benefits, including reducing pain, aiding in injury recovery, and improving athletic performance. Orthotics can be especially helpful for those with flat feet or other alignment issues, as they can help realign the feet and ankles, improve gait, and reduce the risk of developing related conditions such as plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendinitis. Athletes can also benefit from custom orthotics tailored to their specific sport and biomechanics, as they can help improve stability, reduce the risk of injury, and enhance overall performance.