Don't Use Corn Plasters

It's a natural response to source a solution to a corn, and certain companies creating corn plasters have taken advantage of this.

The first point of call for any medical condition or pain is to seek out a pharmacist, google, or go into the supermarket to the foot section to have a look at what’s on offer.

Why not! is what most people say and do Give it a go!

And what do you find after searching for corn treatments?

Corn Plasters!

A corn plaster will help! Surely!

Unfortunately not!

Popular brands of corn plasters contain salicylic acid which is what is not used in the professional setting to remove the corn.

Salicylic acid is sold under the claim that it will dissolve a corn, but this is untrue and the acid is ineffective in this regard.

Podiatrists frequently see patients who have tried corn plasters but failed to get the desired results.

Sometimes the corn plaster kits come with pads with a special cut out to take the pressure off the corn, however most of the time the pad is too small and ineffective.

A corn has to be removed by a scalpel, as a corn buries itself into the top layer of skin, a little bit like a rabbit digging a hole into the ground.

Simply the acid is unable to penetrate this far down.

Once you have a corn removed professionally you can see the small hole in the top layer of skin this creates.

Please don’t waste your money on these corn pads as they simply do not work.

Should you require treatment, please book an appointment.

We can also give advice and treatments to prevent the corns from returning, saving you money and returning you back to the activities you like pain free.

